Welcome to Sander Consulting

Prof. Dr. Philip Sander

Philip is a recognized expert in cost and risk management. He has over 15 years consulting experience for infrastructure projects in Europe and North and South America.

Philip studied civil engineering at the Technical University of Dresden (MSc) and gained his PhD at the University of Innsbruck (Probabilistic Risk Analysis for Construction Projects). He started his professional career at Grinaker LTA in South Africa. After gaining experience at Hochtief in Essen and at CPM in Stuttgart, he moved to Tyrol in 2006 to join the team of SSP BauConsult. He has also been the General Manager of SSP BauConsult since 2015. In 2009, Philip Sander and Markus Spiegl obtained ownership of RiskConsult.

Since 2019, he is head of the Institute for Construction Management at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich.

Based on his experience, Philip Sander developed the risk analysis software RIAAT for his PhD thesis, in which fundamental probabilistic concepts were examined for usability and adapted as required. RIAAT is tailored specifically to the requirements of infrastructure projects.

Since 2007, RIAAT has been applied to several major infrastructure projects (https://www.riaatsoftware.com).

Since 2009, Philip Sander has been also Managing Director of the consulting company RiskConsult (www.riskcon.at).


Dr. Philip Sander

Tiergartenstr. 136 | 6020 Innsbruck | Austria

office@sancon.info |+43 664 4035146